Precious Metal Refining Atlanta, GA

Precious Metal Refining Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, Georgia ranks as the 9th largest metropolitan area in the United States. As such, it offers businesses a variety of options when they want to buy, sell, or refine their metals.

However, local companies don't always use the advanced techniques that national companies do. Local companies often lack the ability to handle multiple metals or fully insure their clients' shipments. You will not face any of these problems when you choose Mid-States Recycling & Refining as your gemstone and scrap gold buyer in Atlanta, GA.

Enjoy Our Varied Capabilities

Mid-States Recycling & Refining serves businesses across the South and the Midwest from our headquarters in Des Plaines, IL. We provide fully insured Federal Expression shipping between your business and our refinery. We also use "green" technology so that you know your requests help, rather than harm, the environment.

Additionally, we stay up-to-date on various metal markets, including COMEX and the New York Mercantile Exchange, so you can hedge your metals on the market of your choice.

One of the best tools for gold buyers is the Karat Kalculator. Click here to view this useful tool.

Learn More About Our Processes

Whether you need gemstone, silver, or gold refining in Atlanta, GA, choose Mid-States Recycling & Refining. We have an open-door policy, so we welcome you to monitor our procedures for yourself. Call us toll free at (800) 551-0083 for more information.